Dr. Eric T. Parker

Eric T. Parker is an Astrochemist at the Astrobiology Analytical Laboratory at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. His research encompasses analytical chemistry, astrochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, environmental chemistry, prebiotic chemistry, astrobiology, origins of life, and Earth sciences. Dr. Parker specializes in the application of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry-based analytical techniques to examine complex chemical compositions in extraterrestrial rock samples, with a focus on biomolecules crucial for life. His work involves the analysis of diverse samples, ranging from materials like meteorites and micrometeorites to samples generated through laboratory simulations of prebiotic environments. Key molecules of interest in his research include amino acids and peptides.
Astrobiology is the interdisciplinary study of life in the universe. It seeks to understand the origin, evolution, and potential existence of life beyond Earth. Astrobiologists explore extreme environments on our planet to grasp life's adaptability and investigate the possibility of life on celestial bodies like Mars, Europa, or exoplanets. They examine the conditions required for life, including the presence of water, organic molecules, and habitable zones around stars. By combining insights from biology, chemistry, physics, and astronomy, astrobiology aims to address fundamental questions about the potential for life in the cosmos and the origins of life on Earth and elsewhere.
Asteroid Sample Return Missions:
Hayabusa2#, Credit: NASA/JAXA/Dan Gallagher
Osiris REx Mission, Credit: NASA/Robert Markowitz
Papers on analyses of asteroid Ryugu:
Soluble Organic Molecules in Samples...
Extraterrestrial Amino Acids and Amines Identified...
PAHs, Hydrocarbons, and Dimethylsulfides in Asteroid...
Uracil in the Carbonaceous Asteroid (162173) Ryugu...
The Spatial Distribution of Soluble Organic Matter...
Ryugu Asteroid Sample Return Provides a Natural Laboratory...
Chemical Evolution of Primordial Salts and Organic Sulfur Molecules...
Soluble Organic Matter Molecular Atlas of Ryugu Reveals Cold Hydrothermalism...
Papers/write-ups related to the NASA OSIRIS-REx mission:
Some of the Biggest Science Questions of Our Generation...
Curation Planning and Facilities for Asteroid Bennu Samples...
Assessing the Sampleability of Bennu’s Surface,,,
Crater Population on Asteroid (101955) Bennu Indicates...
Composition of organics on asteroid (101955) Bennu...
Particle Size-Frequency Distributions of the OSIRIS-REx Candidate Sample Sites...
Implications for Aqueous Alteration History...
Episodes of Particle Ejection from the Surface...
The Unexpected Surface of Asteroid...
Craters, boulders and regolith of (101955) Bennu...
OSIRIS-REx: Sample Return from Asteroid (101955) Bennu...
The OSIRIS-REx Target Asteroid (101955) Bennu...
Prokaryotic and Fungal Characterization of the Facilities...
Outgassing from the OSIRIS-REx Sample Return Capsule...
OSIRIS-REx Contamination Control Strategy and Implementation...
Touch-and-Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism ...
The OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission
Eric T. Parker